
Thursday, December 31, 2009



Name of contest:

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ok..kali ni mak skali lagi interested untuk join usual, picture abg khalif menjadi pilihan mak...bukan ape..adik nye koleksi gambar lom banyak, inilar gambar-gambarnya
Name : Khalif Aidil bin Kamsani
D.O.B : 16/07/2008
Age : 16months



for those who r interested to join, CLICK HERE


Monday, December 28, 2009

Giveaway Irfanku Sayang

Name of Contest:

Organized by:

Sponsored by:


lea teka :Fishing set for children

hehehe...kenape lea teka fishing set?? coz ayah irfan kan kaki pancing...mane lar tau kot2 mahu anak lelaki sulung nye mengikut jejak nye?? nnt ade lar geng nak pi pancing...bak kate pepatah...

meluntur buluh biar dari rebung nye


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ceria Si Ayah Bersama Anak Contest

Name Of Contest:
Organized by:

Sponsored by:

The Banner:

The Terms and Conditions:
  1. Wajib menjadi follower Fasha dan sponsor Pu3zdini (DONE)
  2. Add link Fasha ke dlm bloglist anda
  3. Semestinya MENEPEK banner di sidebar blog kesayangan anda. Banner tersebut hendaklah di link dengan link ini.
  4. Sesiapa yang nak join nie kenalah ada blog..klu X mcm mana nak nilai nnt
  5. Umur anak mestilah dr dah pandai senyum hingga 12tahun
  6. Upload 1 sahaja gambar aksi ceria si suami bersama anak anda..klu banyak kang juling lak bijik mato mak cik ngan juri2 nak menilainyo...khikhikhik Upload 1 gambar si ayah dan anak beramai2 pun boleh tp pastikan ianya CERIA
  7. Nyatakan nama si ayah + anak. Nama glamour je tau...x yah pjg@buat ponek jo jari jemari menaip...hehehe
  8. Buat entry ttg contest ini pada blog anda. Dalam blog tersebut mention and link ke blog Fasha(no link will be disqualified) 
  9. Sila tinggalkan comment dan link contest anda HANYA di post entry ini

The picture
Name of Father : Kimi
Name of Son :  Khalif (Age : 17months)

perkembangan terbaru khilfi adhax

alhamdulillahh...adik kipi skang sudah menjangkau usia 5 1/2bulan..dan sepanjang itu jugaklar...adik kipi mendapat khasiat susu ibu...alhamdulillah, termakbul jugak hasrat aku untuk menyusu adik kipi hingga usianya 6bulan..dan mudah2an, hasrat aku untuk menyusu adik hingga 2thn akan termakbul....insyallah...

perkembangan adik kipi dari usia 0bulan hingga5 1/2bulan

* dilahirkan dengan bersat 3.3kg, tinggi 51cm

* pade usia 1bulan, berat adik kipi, 4.4kg, tinggi 56.5cm

* pade usia 2 1/2bulan, adik kipi sudah boleh meniarap

* pade usia 3bulan, berat adik kipi, 6.06kg, tinggi 63.5cm

* pade usia 5bulan, berat adik kipi, 7.0kg, tinggi 68cm

* pade usia 5 1/2bulan, adik kipi sudah boelh merangkak...

slalo senyum dengan lesung pipi yg manis

adik kipi with atok(FIL)

waktu bawak adik suntik untuk 5bulan

abg khalif teman adik kipi suntik



3rd.....adik kipi sudah boleh merangkak...(maju ke depan)

p/s:maaf....gambar kurang memuaskan..biase cap ayam....huhuhu

Thursday, December 17, 2009

hehehe..introducing my other blog!!!

hehehe....mak perkenalkan blog mak yang baruuuu.....

huhuhu...mak berharap, rakan2 mak, dapat lar memberi sokongan kepada mak dgn pembukaan kedai baju ini...mak bukan lar nak bersaing dengan mana-mana pihak, tetapi sekadar untuk menambahkan pendapatan...

terima kasih

Monday, December 14, 2009

majlis akikah anakanda khilfi adha bin kamsani

waaa...lame nye tak update blog...sangatt2 sibuk lately..

05/12/2009 yang lalu, majlis akikah untuk anakanda mak yang bongsu telah di lakukan di puncak alam, bertempat di rumah makcik asben mak...

majlis itu adalah bersempena majlis akikah dan cukur jambul untuk anak kakak asben mak serta anak sepupu asben mak...anak mak cume menumpang je majlis orang..~theee...

anak-anak yg terlibat adalah, siti nur bahiyah binti mohd riduan (sepupu asben), muhamad syamil izzat bin mohd farid (anak kakak asben) dan anakanda mak, khilfi adha bin kamsani.
kipi pakai kopiah papa

kipi with khala

kipi, khala n makcik ema

kipi nyenyak tido ketika org tgh marhaban

siti nur bahiyah

muhd syamil izzat

kipi dah sgt mengantuk

Thursday, December 3, 2009

detik2 akhir

mak ade lar berbual2 ngan sahabat mak ttg arwah..sahabat mak sungguh terkilan kerna baru jmp sabtu lepas berkaroke bersama...

ini antara perbualan mak ngan sahabt di YM

Perginya Seorang teman buat selamanya

Hari tuh mak ade crita ttg kisah sahabat mak yg meninggal dunia akibat kemalangan jalan raya. kisah itu ada tersiar di dalam akhbar metro pada hari ini.Ini petikan mak ambil dr

Kereta putus dua diseret lori

SEREMBAN: Sebuah kereta Perodua Kancil terputus dua dengan bahagian belakangnya diseret sebuah lori tangki kosong, hangus dalam kemalangan di Bukit Mantin, di Batu 7 Jalan Seremban-Mantin, dekat sini, malam kelmarin.

Dalam kejadian kira-kira jam 11.05 malam itu, pemandu kereta yang dikenali sebagai Muhammad Mohd Rashid, 25, dari Kampung Batu 8, Mantin mati di tempat kejadian akibat cedera parah.

Difahamkan, kereta yang dipandu mangsa terperosok ke bawah lori tangki berkenaan hingga menyebabkan bahagian depan kenderaan berat terbabit turut hangus.

Jurucakap polis berkata, siasatan awal mendapati kejadian berlaku ketika kakitangan Jabatan Perangkaan Shah Alam, Selangor itu dikatakan dalam perjalanan pulang dari Seremban ke rumahnya di Mantin, manakala lori terbabit dari arah bertentangan.

Menurutnya, apabila tiba di lokasi kejadian, pemandu kereta dikatakan hilang kawalan ketika menuruni bukit sebelum kenderaannya masuki laluan bertentangan dan bertembung dengan lori.

“Akibatnya kereta Perodua Kancil terbabit terperosok di bawah lori sebelum diseret dalam jarak kira-kira 22 meter dari tempat kejadian hingga menyebabkan badan kereta terbabit terputus dua,” katanya.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tahniah Buat Abg Iwan n Kak Masz

Tahniah buat kakak ipar ku, Kak Masz kerna telah selamat melahirkan seorang bayi pompuan yg chumel pade jam 1:03pg di hospital tunku ampuan najihah@hosp. kuala pilah.

ikut die nye edd adalah 28/12/2009. tetapi doc arahkan die bersalin pade 10/12/2009 coz kakak ipar lea menghadapi penyakit diabetes. kalo ikutkan tarikh 10/12, dia bakal di induce. dah namenye rezeki beliau tuk melahirkan anak tanpa perlu di induce.

at last, dapat jugaks mak merase ade anak buah...pompuan plak tuh...mak sukeeee......

al-fatihah buat seorang teman

Al-fatihah buat seorang teman. arwah adalah teman sekelas mak ketika di tingkatan 5. arwah seorang yg sgt disenangi oleh rakan2 yg laen.

tatkala mak menerima berita ttg kelahiran anak buah pertama mak, arwah telah pergi menemui buat selama-lamanya.

arwah telah mengalami kemalangan jalan raya pade tgh malam td ketika menuju pulang ke rumah nye di Mantin, NSDK.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

saya kan abang...awak kan adik

hehehe..kolam bosa lom beli mandi-manda lar anda berdua di dalam bath tub kecik nih...nnt mama pakse papa belikan kolam bosa yee.... (^^,)

Hari Raya Haji Yang Hambar

sronok bace blog kawan2 menceritakan kegembiraan mereka sekeluarga menyambut Hari Raya Haji @ Raya Aidiladha.

tetapi, mak sekeluarga tidak sgt menyambut nye. kerna omak, ayah den ado di mokah...menunaikan aji...waaaaaa....waaaaa...sedih...sojak lahir sampai lar bosar...bolum ponah berjauhan selamo cenggini...paling lamo pun ponah den berjauhan, adolar 2minggu...itu ajo yang paling lamo...

tapi walaupun begitu, mak adik beradik ade lar memasak rendang, ketupat dan kuah kacang yang ala2 aje...buat makan kami adik beradik...

mula lar mak beremosi memikirkan adakah begini rasanye andai kata mak ayah telah tiada di dunia??? sedihhhh wooooo....

lagi 2minggu omak ayah den akan blk ke msia...tak sabar rasenya nak peluk cium dorang....

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tips On Effective Communication

Communication is essential in every aspect of our daily lives making it an important area in which every person should improve on. Find out more on how to communicate effectively.

The success of an employee lies not only in his professionalism and hard work, but also his personal network and contacts with others. Despite advancement in information technology, communication skills mastered by employee remains the core element for effective transmission of information.

In daily life, especially in interpersonal conversation, communication breakdown often causes misunderstanding and misconception among people. It is rather surprising that communication breakdown is seldom caused by cultural or language differences. Some of us do find difficulty communicating to our superiors and subordinates who obviously speak the same language and share the same culture like we do. Nevertheless, effective communication does take place within peer group and between close friends, where mutual understanding and willingness to listen form a vital part of the communication process.

Here are tips to overcome the problem of communication breakdown:

  • Message, not messenger

Sometimes we tend to have a preconceived opinion about someone before we truly understand the messages conveyed by that person. If we are prejudiced towards a colleague, we are quite unlikely to listen to his message with full attention and magnanimity. Besides personal preference, we often judge our messenger by his appropriate manner and attitude, his outer appearance, facial expression and even body language. Since all these could also affect our acceptance of his message, we should be remind ourselves that message, and not messenger, is the reason for communication.

  • Context, not just text

Problems, events and occurrence happen by cause and effect, rather than in isolation. There are causal relationships between one problem with another, one event with another. If we concentrate on just the text, say, flexible working hours suggested by the employer which request all staff to come to work either early morning or just before noon, we will not be able to appreciate the context, say, his genuine intention to help his staff avoid traffic congestion to and from work. It is therefore important to ask "why do you say that?" as we want to know not just how people think, but also why they think so.

  • Listen first, evaluate later

We should all try to understand the messenger's viewpoint, interpret his stand or needs, rephrase what he has just said, ask him questions, clear our doubts before evaluating his point of view. Evaluation can be made after the conversation ends if no urgent decision is needed. Do not prompt into judgment, decision and conclusion when we are not sure about what has been said.

  • Written, not necessarily oral

People with an emotional personality, or those who hardly listen carefully to others are difficult to communicative with verbally. It is therefore advisable to write them a memo or a letter before any conversation. People who can express themselves better in writing than in oral should also use this method to minimize mistakes.

  • Get wired

Use simple, precise language to convey message so that it can be understood without much effort. Jargons and formal language create distance rather than closeness among those who communicate. One the other hand, when both parties are not communicating on the same ground, they'll probably talk to one another without getting wired. The effect for such simultaneous monologue is, unfortunately, zero.

  • Get feedback

The sending of messages is only the first step in the communication process. Employer and superior should encourage feedback to their order or instruction. Feedback helps to correct what is wrong, and affirm what is right. What's more, it also eradicates complaints, rumors and excuses for not being able to deliver promises.

  • Mutual trust and respect

Two persons who communicate with mutual trust and respect will find themselves less defensive about own ideas and therefore truly "communicating". This makes their conversation more interactive, dynamic and effective. Messages are fully understood because the messengers are almost equally sincere in exchanging ideas.

  • Level of communicators

We are aware of the difference between the ways we speak to our superior and our subordinate. In bottom-up communication, it is advisable that we make our points clear and precise, and pay attention to the superior's comment. As for top-down communication, we should always describe matters in detail while not forgetting to obtain feedback to our ideas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

kalo dah rezeki...

kalo ada rezeki......


ada lar...tapi kalo takde rezeki.....tak pe.... (^^,)

hehehe...gelabah gak...nasib baik...-ve....huhuhu...



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