
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tips On Effective Communication

Communication is essential in every aspect of our daily lives making it an important area in which every person should improve on. Find out more on how to communicate effectively.

The success of an employee lies not only in his professionalism and hard work, but also his personal network and contacts with others. Despite advancement in information technology, communication skills mastered by employee remains the core element for effective transmission of information.

In daily life, especially in interpersonal conversation, communication breakdown often causes misunderstanding and misconception among people. It is rather surprising that communication breakdown is seldom caused by cultural or language differences. Some of us do find difficulty communicating to our superiors and subordinates who obviously speak the same language and share the same culture like we do. Nevertheless, effective communication does take place within peer group and between close friends, where mutual understanding and willingness to listen form a vital part of the communication process.

Here are tips to overcome the problem of communication breakdown:

  • Message, not messenger

Sometimes we tend to have a preconceived opinion about someone before we truly understand the messages conveyed by that person. If we are prejudiced towards a colleague, we are quite unlikely to listen to his message with full attention and magnanimity. Besides personal preference, we often judge our messenger by his appropriate manner and attitude, his outer appearance, facial expression and even body language. Since all these could also affect our acceptance of his message, we should be remind ourselves that message, and not messenger, is the reason for communication.

  • Context, not just text

Problems, events and occurrence happen by cause and effect, rather than in isolation. There are causal relationships between one problem with another, one event with another. If we concentrate on just the text, say, flexible working hours suggested by the employer which request all staff to come to work either early morning or just before noon, we will not be able to appreciate the context, say, his genuine intention to help his staff avoid traffic congestion to and from work. It is therefore important to ask "why do you say that?" as we want to know not just how people think, but also why they think so.

  • Listen first, evaluate later

We should all try to understand the messenger's viewpoint, interpret his stand or needs, rephrase what he has just said, ask him questions, clear our doubts before evaluating his point of view. Evaluation can be made after the conversation ends if no urgent decision is needed. Do not prompt into judgment, decision and conclusion when we are not sure about what has been said.

  • Written, not necessarily oral

People with an emotional personality, or those who hardly listen carefully to others are difficult to communicative with verbally. It is therefore advisable to write them a memo or a letter before any conversation. People who can express themselves better in writing than in oral should also use this method to minimize mistakes.

  • Get wired

Use simple, precise language to convey message so that it can be understood without much effort. Jargons and formal language create distance rather than closeness among those who communicate. One the other hand, when both parties are not communicating on the same ground, they'll probably talk to one another without getting wired. The effect for such simultaneous monologue is, unfortunately, zero.

  • Get feedback

The sending of messages is only the first step in the communication process. Employer and superior should encourage feedback to their order or instruction. Feedback helps to correct what is wrong, and affirm what is right. What's more, it also eradicates complaints, rumors and excuses for not being able to deliver promises.

  • Mutual trust and respect

Two persons who communicate with mutual trust and respect will find themselves less defensive about own ideas and therefore truly "communicating". This makes their conversation more interactive, dynamic and effective. Messages are fully understood because the messengers are almost equally sincere in exchanging ideas.

  • Level of communicators

We are aware of the difference between the ways we speak to our superior and our subordinate. In bottom-up communication, it is advisable that we make our points clear and precise, and pay attention to the superior's comment. As for top-down communication, we should always describe matters in detail while not forgetting to obtain feedback to our ideas.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

kalo dah rezeki...

kalo ada rezeki......


ada lar...tapi kalo takde rezeki.....tak pe.... (^^,)

hehehe...gelabah gak...nasib baik...-ve....huhuhu...

[Tag] Interesting Fatcs

hehehe...thanks kak nome kerna memberi ku menjawab tag tatkala bos2 mak tidak di opiss...mak sukeee coz mak tgh freeee....yuhuuuuu....

a. write five (5) interesting facts about the person who gave you this award.

* kak nome yg ku kenal dr (dia lar orang pertama yang menjawab persoalan mak di

* sudah berkahwin dgn jejaka hati yg sudah di kenali sejak 1999..(lame tuhh...time mak ting.3)

* mummy kepada Aleesya Azzalea yang di lahirkan melalui proses Cesarean.

* sudah mempunyai bibik yang pandai masak mee jawa dan bakso (kena try nih)

* seorang ibu yang MALATOPSSSS dan HOTSSSSSSS....(mak ayam nih pandai make-up!!)
b. jot down ten (10) interesting facts about yourself and your hobbies

* seorang yang suke makan...suke makan..suke makan....

* seorang yang sensitif...AMAT SENSITIF wokeyyy...

* amat CINTAKAN pada kesenian (Lukisan, tarian, teater, puisi, etc)

* teramat suke kepada kira2....(matematik!! i luvvvvv...huhuhhu)

* tak berape pandai bergaul ngan orang (mak ni pemalu orangnye....huhuhu)

* mempunyai masalah kesihatan lelah ketika kecil dan alergy ketika dewasa...

* di tempat mak bekerja, hanya ade 12orang wanita dr 200++ pekerja

* mempunyai masalah dengan berat badan....(huhuhu....20kg nak kena turun..bukan skit2....)

* pernah menjadi penari tradisional selama 6 thn ketika di dan setahun di kolej

* berasal dari pahang tetapi separuh usia kanak2 hingga dewasa di Negeri Sembilan...
c. pick your ten (10) more deserving recipients and describe them

* wanie - knal di friendster dan mempunyai seorang anak dara! :)
* shasha - knal di friendster jugaks dan mempunyai seorang anak dara...
* kak ecar - knal di friendster jugak...seorang ibu yg vougue dan pandai buat cupcakes
* umi danish - knal di dunia blogger dan rajin jugaks membuat contest...
* kak intan - knal di dunia blogger dan mempunyai anak yg slalo menang contest!! ~hehehe
* cici - seorang pro-susu ibu dan sedang menetap di seremban 2..(dkt ngan umah mak!! )
* qastalani - knal di dunia blogger dan sedang menetap di kuantan (tempat lahir ku..)
* kak ayien - ibu kpd 3orang anak (+sepasang kembar boi+gurl)
* mama tisya - knal di dunia blogger dan mempunyai bisnes sampul wangi luvlyscents
* nur - knal di dan mempunyai seorang anak lelaki, irfan dan sedang mengadung anak no.2

* azura - lebih dikenali dgn nickname NAFIRA....knal di dunia blogger dan rajin memberi komen..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

perihal anak2 bujang ku

hari ujung minggu baru2 nih, aku tak kemana2...kami hanye lepaking di umah sajorks....tgh aje lar aksi dua anak bujang mak nih...

mula2, sayanggg....

kendian...jadi geram....

di bulinye abih2 adik die.....sabar aje lar mak...

baby in romper contest


Name Of Contest :

Organized By :KAKNGAH
3A's Collections

Banner :

kali ini, aku mencube nasib lagi tuk masuk contest..saje suke-suke..kalo ade rezeki, alhamdulillah, kalo takde rezeki...tak pe lar...

aku sememangnye suke pakaikan anak2 aku dgn aku, kemas...baju takde terkeluar2 dr suar..lgpun, byk pilihan romper yg cantik2 di pasaran skang...

name : khalif aidil bin kamsani
d.o.b : 16/07/2008
age : 15months
khalif berusia 9mths ketika gambar ini di ambil

name : khilfi adha bin kamsani
d.o.b : 28/06/2009
age : 4months
khilfi berusia 3moths++ ketika gambar ini diambil

khilfi berusia 16days ketika gambar ini diambil

Member's Day @ Luvlybabyboutique

hi fwen...mai beri support kt blog best fwen lea nih, luvlybabyboutique...

luvlybabyboutique is having a member's day and it's starting today til 2mrw!! come n join as a member and you'll enjoy the discounts!!

happy shopping!!


Friday, November 20, 2009


harharhar...ape kes mulut camtuh tuh??? nak kena kiss ke nak kena tempeleng???? huhuhu...

actually, bukan ini yg mak nak cite...gambar tuh sekadar hiasan...

mak sbnrnye tgh runsing cite mak nih ade sedikit unsur 18sx...pade pembace2 yg bwh 18thn, sila dpt bimbingan dr makbapak ye...~huhuhu

ok..ok...seyes jap....pade mereka yg blom tahu, pas mak lahirkan khilfi, mak telah memakai IUD bg merancang keluarga..penggunaan IUD nih, telah sedikit sbyk mengganggu aktiviti intim kami suami isteri kerna....tiap kali asben meng"tutttttttt"... dia akan sakit di bhgn "tuttttttt" kerna terkena alat itu....

tp baru2 nih, kami ade bersame..tetapi die berase heran kerna, "tutttttt" nye tidak lagi sakit...malah..."tuttttttt" nye jugak tidak terkena pade alat itu....uikkksssS????disini misterinye bermula...dimane perginye alat itu??? slalonya..die akan terase bende alah itu tp kali ini tidak...???nak kate bende tuh jatuh kuar dr mak nye...takde plak...kalo ade,takkan mak tak perasan kan?? mustahil plak...abih tuh..kemanakah ia??? heran2...

inilah yg merunsingkan mak....walaupun bunyinya tidak buat mase skang, mak taknak preggy lagi...cukuplar buat setakat ini....

adoiii..mane pergi alat ini??? heran2...musykil2...

nota kaki: adakah anda rase ini lucasss?~hehehehe

Secretary Terlampau 2 kes plak kali ini???? asyik terlampau jerrrr...ape yg telah mak buatt???

harharharhar..harunsalimbachik....tgh hari td, pade waktu rehat, mak ngan kawan2 mak telah pergi berkaraoke di sban!!

melampau2...sempat lagi tuh gi melayan karoks ngan kawan2...dah tuh plak, dr Lukut, Port Dickson ke Sban...sanggup plak tuh...amboi....kalo dah gian....waktu koje pun sempat lagi nak berkaroks!! ~harharhar...

mmg very the melampau secretary nih....~hehehe

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

merindui atuk

sian kt si abg khalif..gamaknye, die terlalu rindukan datuknye...tgk aje lar aksi khalif nih..

mak snap pg td sblm mak pergi keje...


har..har..har...itu si abg khalif sarung sendiri tuh...mmg gemar benar die ngan kasut kobun atuknye tuh..apo lar anak mama nih....huhuhuh



name of contest:

organized by:

the pictures are

name: khalif aidil bin kamsani
d.o.b : 16/07/2008
age: 15months
khalif berusia 4months++ ketika pic ni diambil

name:khilfi adha bin kamsani
d.o.b : 28/06/2009
age : 4months
khilfi berusia 1bulan ketika pic ni diambil

khilfi berusia 16hari ketika pic ni diambil

interested to join, please click HERE

Monday, November 16, 2009

Drama Bersiri

Tajuk Drama:
Si Abang Khalif Ke Sekolah

Teraju Utama:
Si Abang Khalif

Umah Baru Pak Long

Pelakon Jemputan:
Adik Eppy
Mama(Belakang tabir)

khalif : papa...abg pergi sekolah dulu ye..salam pa...

papa : baiklah...abg jaga diri elok2 ye....jgn nakal2 kat sekolah...nnt balik papa bawak gi taman ye...

khalif : adik, abg gi dulu ye....nnt balik skolah kite main same2...tunggu abg tau...

khalif : papa, adik..abg gi dulu ye...

khalif : mungkin abg blk lambat skit kot..dlm kul 3ptg mungkin abg akan smp umah

khalif : bye papa...bye adik

khalif : mama...abg pergi skolah dulu...blk nnt abg nak makan mcD

khalif : ok semua...abg gerak dulu...assallamualaikum

khalif : mane lar bus skolah nih tak smp2..abg dah lewat nih....

khalif : mama, abg perlu ke pergi skolah arini? bukan cuti ker?

khalif : mmm...malas lar abg gi skolah...bus skolah nih lamabt sgt....baik abg letak beg nih kendian main ngan adik larr....


waaaaa...takde moodnye memandangkan kalo jadi esok mak cuti, so arini mak terpakse lar mengupdate blog coz since minggu lepas, mak blom update pape cite...

so, ntuk permulaan cite pade minggu nih, mak mulakan ngan cite tentang, UMAH BARU..

tapi umah baru siapa? tentular bukan umah baru mak...umah baru ABANG mak...mak sekeluarga lom ade rezeki tuk mempunyai umah sendiri...

baiklah..berbalik kepada cite ttg umah baru ABANG mak...umah yg baru dibelinye terletak hanya sblh taman je ngan umah EMAK mak...takde lar jauh sgtkan...jalan kaki pun leh smp...

so layan lar beberape pic umah baru ABANG mak nih..

umah yang cantik terletak di S2 Heights



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